What is World Changers Bible Institute?
World Changers Bible Institute (WCBI) is an affordable and exciting Bible school at Joy Church in Mount Juliet, TN. Originally founded in 1992, WCBI teaches in-depth Bible classes for Christian life application to students of all ages.
WCBI courses will help instill and strengthen in you a foundation of intimacy with Jesus (Philippians 3:10), faithfulness (Luke 16:10-12), serving (Mark 10:43), integrity (Psalm 26:11), consistency (Titus 2:6-8), and preparedness (Proverbs 21:31), all of which are vital keys to the Christian’s success in life and ministry!
WCBI students are taught more than just concepts, they are taught a way of life (Matthew 7:24-27)! As believers, we get the greatest revelation of the Word as we put it into practice in our daily lives (James 1:25). WCBI classes will help you discern the God-given opportunities to minister to others throughout your regular daily routine.

On-Campus Classes
World Changers Bible Institute holds on-campus classes each Fall, Winter and Spring at Joy Church International in Mount Juliet, TN. Fall classes start in mid-September, Winter classes start in early January. Spring Classes start in late March.
To make it easy to attend, WCBI offers classes in the evenings, allowing those who work during the day or who attend college or other schools during the day to attend WCBI Bible classes easily.
During each trimester, one WCBI course will be offered and taught on Tuesday nights weekly from 7-9 PM. Another WCBI course will be offered and taught on Thursday nights weekly from 7-9 PM. Each WCBI course is held over approximately 10 weeks.
Enrolled students can choose to audit the class or take each class for a grade. Auditing the class means that the homework assignments will not count for a grade, and students who audit the course do not have to take the quizzes or exams held during the course. Any accompanying text books will be included and provided as part of the standard cost of the course.
Each class is open to anyone wanting to grow in God’s Word. Whether you are 17 or 77, if you have a desire to grow more in your relationship with Jesus, WCBI is for you. Church attendance at Joy Church is not required to enroll in WCBI classes. World Changers Bible Institute admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.
To discover which courses are being offered currently, keep an eye on this site and we will list the courses that are release as that information is available each fall, winter and spring. We would love to have you attend a WCBI on-campus class and we look forward to growing in God’s Word together!

WCBI Online Courses
WCBI is now offering courses! Online video course content is created from recordings of a recently held on-campus classes taught at WCBI. This ensures the online student gets the same in-depth encouraging Bible teaching as an on-campus course.
WCBI Online courses will include self-paced video class sessions, allowing you to learn Biblical truths you can apply in your life from wherever you can access the internet – at home, on the go, or even while out of town. Each online video session can be paused at any point in the video and even days later you can resume your video class session right where you left off.
After each video class session, there will be a simple knowledge check with approximately 3-5 online questions per knowledge check. The knowledge checks are designed to help you retain the course material and are not graded. Knowledge checks are a great way for you to understand how you are learning the materials.
Homework assignments are also part of the online class and can be completed easily online through any browser. No uploads or downloads required, simply answer the homework questions online to complete your homework assignments. Our WCBI administrators will grade your homework and you will be able to see your grade for each assignment online.
There will be at least one quiz and also one final exam per online course. These can all be completed online through your browser as well. This quiz and exam will count as part of your overall course grade and you will be able to view the graded results for each online. Because you have 180 days to complete the course, it is easy to go back and review the preceding online video sessions and knowledge checks before taking your quiz and exam.
WCBI online courses are designed for life application. The video sessions will bring in-depth Biblical training that teaches you not only the “what”, but it also teaches you the “how” to prepare you for success in life and ministry.
Meet the WCBI instructors and coordinators

Pastor Jim Frease
Senior Pastor of Joy Church
Pastor Jim Frease is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Joy Church, as well as Founder and President of World Changers Bible Institute (WCBI) in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. He is the primary instructor at WCBI and has been ministering since 1984. Pastor Jim emphasizes a relationship for Jesus Christ, not religion; the Word of God, and not tradition; and he emphasizes enjoying your life, not enduring it. Pastor Jim always puts an emphasis on not just what you need to do, but how you need to do it.
Anne Frease is a graduate of Oral Roberts University and an anointed singer who has traveled with the Oral Roberts University Music Ministry teams. Anne has been ministering since 1990. She has ministered in song in churches all over the country and is presently the praise and worship leader at Joy Church.
Under the mandate of God, Pastor Jim and his wife Anne founded Joy Church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. They pioneered the church in October of 2003 with just 18 people without knowing even one person in the area. Joy Church has since become one of the fastest growing churches in the region with over 2200 in active membership. Hundreds are giving their lives to Jesus and even more lives and families are being transformed with joy!
Pastor Jim loves to share God’s Word through joy and encouragement and has also authored 7 books. Most importantly, Pastor Jim and Anne are deeply in love with the Lord Jesus Christ and are completely committed to His Word. As they minister they desire to do so with lots of humor and joy (Neh. 8:10), the utmost of integrity (Ps. 26:11), propelling the listener to a greater intimacy with Jesus and motivating them to acceleration in Christian service.
The Freases have been married since 1990 and deeply love their son Johnathan. Pastor Jim loves spending time with his family and truly enjoys Ohio State football, fishing, Ohio State Football, fishing, and Ohio State Football. Anne loves to shop…so, as Pastor Jim says, sometimes they compromise and shop at Bass Pro.

Pastor Dave Goldner
Executive Pastor of Joy Church
Pastor Dave Goldner is the Executive Pastor at Joy Church. Pastor Dave and his wife Paula started serving in ministry roles with Pastor Jim and Anne back in the early 1990’s. Pastor Dave and Paula have helped and served alongside Pastor Jim and Anne Frease as both WCBI was founded in 1992 and Joy Church was founded in 2003.
Pastor Dave’s impactful roles and history in over 25 years of ministry include overseeing short term missions trips, ministry procedures and operational organization, ministerial procurement and financial stewardship, governmental relations and compliance, large scale building projects, staff and volunteer leadership, community outreach event planning, corporate communication, policy and safety, and more.
As part of Joy Church, Pastor Dave and Paula have also helped families as they overcome life challenges through counseling, visits, and providing guidance and principals found in God’s Word.
Pastor Dave has also taught WCBI classes since 1995 as a primary instructor, leading many generations of students to a deeper relationship with God through the WCBI curriculum.
Prior to ministry, Pastor Dave graduated from North Carolina State University’s award winning school of engineering and led roles in a career with two Fortune 500 tech companies. The Goldners have been married for over 30 years and have two wonderful adult children.

Roni Jantz
WCBI Coordinator
Roni is a retired Navy Commander and Naval Academy graduate, who sailed into Joy Church in 2013 in search of her destiny. She jumped right in by serving as an office volunteer and attending World Changers Bible Institute classes. Her gift for organization and willingness to help wherever needed soon made her an invaluable member of the Joy team.
While growing deeper in the Word, Roni discovered her calling in WCBI. A 2016 alumni, she gradually took over all aspects of student administration. Now she serves as WCBI Coordinator for both our in-house and virtual student populations. It is her passion to assist Pastor Jim & Pastor Dave in discipling students and increasing their understanding of God’s life-transforming Word.
Roni is happily married to Dr. Bob, a family practice physician and long-time missionary to Romania, who she first met in (you guessed it….) WCBI classes! Not convinced initially that he was “the one” for her, Roni’s answer to Bob’s proposal was “maybe.” That was good enough for him! Pastor Jim loves to joke, “Once a commander of over 3000 sailors in the Navy, Roni now commands one, Dr. Bob!” When not serving at Joy Church, Roni & Bob love to read, study the Bible, ride their e-bikes and Can-Am Spyders around town, and to spend time with their grandkids and two cats.
WCBI Courses
WCBI Courses are designed to give the student a comprehensive understanding of God’s unfailing Word, the only certainty in uncertain times! (II Timothy 2:15) Be on the lookout each trimester as selected courses from this list are offered as available classes.
- 1 John
- 1 Timothy
- Apologetics 1
- Apologetics 2
- Colossians
- Discovering Your Place and Purpose in the Kingdom of God
- Discovering Who You Are In Christ
- Divorce Recovery – 4 week minicourse
- Do you really know what you believe?
- Ephesians
- Financial Freedom-Putting God First in Your Finances
- Galatians
- Making of a Champion
- Marriage Menders – 4 week minicourse
- Missions & Evangelism
- New Testament Survey
- Old Testament Survey
- Philippians
- Principles of Prayer & Praise
- The Authority of the Believer
- The Healing School
- The Overcomers

Now Enrolling
Spring 2025 Classes
Let’s do more than just make a resolution to grow in God’s Word this new year…..let’s do it….together! WCBI is starting the year with two new classes this year that will help you joyfully grow in your relationship with God. The WCBI curriculum is designed to enhances your ability to learn God’s Word and will help you to apply God’s truths in your everyday personal life.
Join us on Tuesday evenings for our 1 John class and get foundational truths of God’s love grounded in your life. On Thursday evenings, the Financial Freedom: Putting God First In Your Finances class can help you truly understand God’s plan for your finances. Learn more about these classes in the link below.
Online WCBI Courses now available!
Learn at home!
You can sign up to take our life-changing WCBI classes online! Get ready to grow in God’s Word at your own pace in your own home from nearly anywhere in the world through an engaging online class.

World Changers Bible Institute admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.